Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whereof One Cannot Speak, Thereof One Must Remain Silent

The following US News and World Report blog entry is quite typical of much of the press coverage coming in the wake of Pope Benedict XVI having lifted a renegade Holocaust-denying bishops excommunication:

For better or worse, you can't get excommunicated for being a liar or a moron, only for heresy (and for other specific nasties, like assaulting a bishop etc.). Denying the holocaust is certainly stupid and insensitive, but it dos not fit into the actually rather narrow class of offenses that canonically entail excommunication.

This whole row illustrates how problematic the secular press's coverage of fairly nuanced internal ecclesiastical matters can be. Here we have a journalist suggesting that he pope excommunicate someone permanently (this is not even permissible.. excommunication is only a medicinal remedy, the purpose of which is final reconciliation) and I somehow doubt Ms. Erbe bothered to crack open the Code of Canon Law. For her to give such sweeping criticism in this case exhibits about as much journalistic responsibilitt as suggesting the impeachment of a civil government officer without bothering to research the pertinent constitutional statutes.

It's time to turn off the hot air and for those who want to chime on this, including Chancellor Merkel, to calm down and do their research. Obviously, the pope's timing in this matter reveals a clear lack of political savvy ( I frankly find how very "human" he is to be refreshing), and certainly there could have been better catechesis put forth for the Catholic faithful (on excommunication in general) and more effective education of the press in this matter. Maybe once people put their critical thinking hats back on they might find some wisdom in Sean Cardinal Omalley's observation to the effect that the more clout the pope has with people like Bishop Williamson more likely he will be able to rein in their nonsense.

I am by no means a model Catholic and I have my own gripes with the church, but I will always defend the Catholic Church (or any other idea or institution) against intellectually dishonest criticism.


  1. It is a seemingly self-evident observation, that those who speak about excommunication should be be familiar with those canonized edicts which pertain to excommunication. Moreover, those who ignorantly, arrogantly call for Williamson's social-blood, without familiarizing themselves with aforementioned tenets - they have an interesting parallel with the supposed Jews that serve as pawns for Williamson's scapegoating. There are no Jews in Israel. Moreover, the occupation of Palestine, however justifiable by irrelevant melodrama (especially WWII evocation) and militaristic aggression, is not at all justified, nor acceptable by Judaic law, according to Torah.

    "There is a vile lie, which stalks the Jewish people across the globe. It is a lie so heinous, so far from the truth, that it can only gain popularity due to the complicity of powerful forces in the 'mainstream' media and educational establishment. It is a lie which has brought many innocent people untold suffering and if unchecked has the potential to create extraordinary tragedy in the future. It is the lie that declares that Judaism and Zionism are identical. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism is the belief in revelation at Sinai. It is the belief that exile is a punishment for Jewish sins. Zionism has for over a century denied Sinaitic revelation. It believes that Jewish exile can be ended by military aggression."

    -Jews united against Zionism

    Any professed Jew has incorrect priorities, when concerning themselves with the perspective of any Catholic, before raging against the blaspheming of Judaic faith that is "Zionism". It is entirely similar to the incorrect priorities of professed Christians who, before solving the blasphemy of unacceptable divorcing among believers, rage against the "gay marriage" of non-believers (Matthew** 7:3).

    **not you, a different Matthew ;)

    So how's that for "liberal commenting"? ;)

  2. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. We ought to interact way more often.

  3. "We ought to interact way more often."

    Speaking of which: my perspective on your, "...Rights, or winning the Culture War...", is upcoming ;)
